My toronto adventure

T-3 days and i overreacted | April 24, 2010

So i feel like a huge douche…I ended up talking to my roomie online and he ended up being really cool….yeah I overreact alot, but doesn’t everyone?

This picture shows a very “normal” person overreacting…goes to show you that all normal people overreact sometimes

Anyway, when I talked to him, he seemed like such a cool guy that I messaged the girl that was subletting and got her to pick him. If I’m gonna have a roomate, he’d better be cool right?

wouldn’t want this guy as a roomate…ever…

In other news, I have finally started packing…didn’t forget my underwear and I pretty much packed every piece of clothing I own. Even the stuff that i thought i would never wear (ugly shirts). I figured if there was any occasion where I would have to wear an ugly shirt, I’d be prepared.

I’m so excited to finally move to a big city, it’s crazy…I can’t wait to go on all kinds of crazy adventures…

Bucketlist of things to do in Toronto include:

  • Go on the CN Tower
  • Go to the ROM
  • Go to the Art Gallery
  • Go to every single gay bar at least once
  • March in the pride parade (although i have no idea how to make that happen)
  • GET A JOB (that should be 1st on the list but whatever)
  • BLOG, BLOG, BLOG (hopefully i will get more readers)
  • Get into mischief (don’t know what that is yet but i’m sure it will happen)
  • Make a ton of friends
  • Take a ton of pictures
  • Live every day to the fullest (won’t be hard for me)

I’m sure there are more things that i want to do…i’m just not thinking about that stuff right now.

Anyway, better get back to packing…have to get stuff done before my friends come and get me for my going away party they’re having!

Stay Sexy,


Quote of the day: “Nothing in life is so hard that you can’t make it easier by the way you take it.”
— Ellen Glasgow (1874-1945) Novelist

I suggest lots of lube and starting out slowly.

Posted in Justin

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About author

We're two individuals from different continents moving to Toronto Ontario for a summer of fun and adventure. This blog documents our journey to the biggest city in Ontario Canada.





